Transformational Mediumship (4 Weekends)
Sat, 25 Apr
|Blossom Through Life
Join Scottish Medium & mentor George the Medium as he brings his own unique, vibrant, high energy way of working for 4 weekends of transformational mediumship. Through this mentorship you will learn about yourself, explore your mediumship/psychic abilities in depth, and discover where you fit in to

Time & Location
25 Apr 2020, 09:30 – 26 Apr 2020, 13:30
Blossom Through Life, Shottskirk Rd, Shotts ML7 4JS, UK
About the Event
Transformational Mediumship - The Spirit World & You!
Fun, Vibrant, Controversial, High energy learning, Focused, Creative way of working with Spirit and yourself.
This programme will look at covering -
(MEDIUMSHIP) Mechanics of Mediumship.
Power Building,
Chakra, Clair's, Aura & Telling the story of the person, Soul of the person (Sensing your soul mind)
Learn to become more aware of your sixth sense (PSYCHIC) Psychometry,
Private Sittings, Psychic self - Self empowerment & finding peace in yourself, (PRESENTATION & SELF) Meditation - Stillness Presenting & Introduction. (Talk about prayer)
Power of Prayer - Thanks
Public Speaking, ( Vocal exercises/ Training )
Join Scottish Medium & mentor George the Medium as he brings his own unique, vibrant, high energy way of working for 4 weekends of transformational mediumship.
Through this mentorship you will learn about yourself, explore your mediumship/psychic abilities in depth, and discover where you fit in to your own path. George will work closely with you over these high intensity 4 weekends bringing his 19+ years’ worth of experience to guide you through applying these skills to your own way of working; helping to identify how YOU work spiritually.
This is open to all levels as we work best when learning from each other.
We will be lucky enough to have our 4 weekends take place at - Blossom Through Life
A purpose built spiritual centre.
Alicesprings 2001 Shottskirk Road Shotts ML74JS.
Dates -
April 25th & 26th
May 23rd & 24th
June 13th & 14th
July 4th & 5th
This will cost a total of £450, 400 early bird offer.
This can be paid in installments or in one payment.
A non refundable deposit of £80 is required to secure your spot.
There will be a maximum of 14 students to allow a great chance to work & learn but not be overwhelmed by large numbers, allowing you the chance to gain from George's experience.
A mentorship where you will always feel supported. Contact me at or
To book you spot.
George 🔮
This is your non refundable deposit of 80.00 and you can pay the remaining balance in installments.
£80.00Sale endedFull Course Fee
This is your full price course fee for Transformational Mediumship.
£400.00Sale ended